When you and your child’s other parent create a Tennessee parenting plan, one of your goals should be to include specifics about any element or area you believe might cause disagreement or trouble down the line. At the Law Office of Megan A. Bodie, we have helped many separated and divorced parents create parenting plans, and we have a firm understanding of what types of information are important to include.
While ultimately, the details of your parenting plan will vary broadly in comparison to that of your friend, sister or what have you, Divorcemag.com notes that many parenting plans do, in fact, share common elements. For example, many parenting plans dictate where a child will live, and when, and they might also include information about how the parents will transport that child between their two homes.
Parenting plans also often dictate specifics about who is to transport children to school, doctor’s appointments, extracurricular activities and so on, and they also may offer clarification as to who is to pay for such expenses. Frequently, parenting plans also cover where children are to spend major holidays and special occasions.
If necessary, you can also include information in your parenting plan that outlines how you and your child’s other parent plan to communicate with one another moving forward, or how you plan to work your way through any disagreements that may arise between you. These are just some of many areas you can include in your parenting plan. More about family law matters is available on our web page.