If your spouse or partner has been found guilty of domestic violence, his or her child custody privileges can be greatly affected. Tennessee lawmakers take the issue very seriously and work hard to ensure that your family will be protected from any harm. We at the Law Office of Meghan A. Bodie can also help you adjust the custody privileges of your child’s other parent if any evidence of domestic violence has been found.
According to the National Council of Substance Abuse, domestic abuse can occur from individuals who are not the parent, such as someone you are dating, a person who you were formerly married to, a step-parent or someone who used to live in the home as your romantic partner. In order to qualify as someone you are dating, you need to have been romantically involved within the past six months.
There are several behaviors that qualify as abuse, and some do not even have to be physical. Beyond physical assault, threats or coercion are also considered abuse. Detaining someone against his or her will or kidnapping is also violence, as is theft or trespassing. If the person is stalking you or any member of your family, this can also be considered domestic violence.
Many people try to justify abuse as a simple argument or convince their victim that they cannot be protected by the law, but any form of abuse can require legal protection and alteration or withdrawal of child custody orders. For more information on this topic, please visit our web page.