Dealing with child custody can be one of the most sensitive parts in a divorce settlement. Although there are some federal guidelines, there is also a lot left up to the state. Thus, it is important to know the details of Alabama child custody laws for the proceedings.
Alabama has adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. This law reads that Alabama has to respect any child custody resolutions made in any other state. This rule means that what the court decides for your child in Alabama will apply in all other states as well.
The court will generally agree to a child custody plan that the parents made themselves. If the parents cannot decide, the court will have to construct one. A plan created by the court will generally put the interests of the child first. In other words, the judge will usually award custody to the person who can better care for the child. This care includes nurturing the child’s developmental, education, emotional, and physical health. It also requires addressing any special needs the child may have. Furthermore, a good plan takes into consideration maintaining the child’s environment. Examples of this environment can include their current school, friends, and family.
A divorce tends to preoccupy one’s emotions. So, it may be helpful to contact an Alabama child custody lawyer. If it’s impossible to work out a deal with your former partner, an attorney that specializes in child custody will be able to guide you. They may also be able to get you the rights and custody you deserve. More importantly, they may be able to do what’s best for your child.